About us

Clayton and Kim Safritt, owners of Trotter Creek Farm

Do you know where your food comes from?

This is the question that drove us to start Trotter Creek Farm.

Beginning when our firstborn was diagnosed with food intolerances, we began to really look at ingredient labels and realized that we wanted more control over how we were feeding our family. Starting with a few hens for eggs, we soon began raising our own broiler chickens for ourselves, and then for a few friends. In 2018, we moved to our current location in Central Virginia with enough land to allow us to raise more animals and soon after founded Trotter Creek Farm.

We believe how we nourish ourselves matters, and we want to be good stewards of the resources God has blessed us with. Our animals are fed soy-free, non-GMO feed and raised on pasture, giving them as natural a life as possible.